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John K-ay - Silent Sufferers [Winning short films 2015]

John K-ay - Silent Sufferers [Winning short films 2015]

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Everything isn't as it seems. People can be happy in public but suffering in silent. Always Help. Please watch & Share. Based on Real Life Story. Written & Directed by John... Read more

Category: Movies from 2015...

Everything isn't as it seems. People can be happy in public but suffering in silent. Always Help. Please watch & Share. Based on Real Life Story. Written & Directed by John K-ay “Silent sufferers” This film tells a harrowing story of a young woman’s struggle with death and abuse. It is the story of a young Australian girl who loses both parents and is forced to live with her abusive uncle. She is a prisoner in her own life.With none to turn to and a seemingly endless cycle of abuse ahead of her,How will she gain the strength to survive? This is her story

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