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Tafadhali Tazama Filamu Hii, Itakuumiza Akili 1 | Khalfan Ahmed John Makanyaga - Swahili Bongo Movie

Tafadhali Tazama Filamu Hii, Itakuumiza Akili 1 | Khalfan Ahmed John Makanyaga - Swahili Bongo Movie

< 01:30:57 > |

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This Swahili Bongo movie is an all action movie which portrays the menace of criminal mob who wrecked havoc on their society and think themselves untouchable, but the police used... Read more

Category: Action Movies, Episodal Movies, Swahili Movies...

This Swahili Bongo movie is an all action movie which portrays the menace of criminal mob who wrecked havoc on their society and think themselves untouchable, but the police used a very tricky tactics to infiltrate their gang and bring them to book Click to watch part 2 - A Swahili Bongo movie starring; Sebastian Mwanangulo, Khalfan Ahmed, Rev. Fr. John Makanyaga... Movie title - The Dangerous Deal Ishu Ya Mia Aforevo ID - Un2kwFXvSy #bongomovies #swahilimovies #kenyanhere

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