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Ufufuo wa Mchawi - A Swahiliwood Bongo Movie

Ufufuo wa Mchawi - A Swahiliwood Bongo Movie

< 00:59:32 > |

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This is a Latest Swahiliwood Bongo Movie. In this movie, an alien appears and brings despair to a city. After being hunted down, a group of scientists seek to study... Read more

This is a Latest Swahiliwood Bongo Movie. In this movie, an alien appears and brings despair to a city. After being hunted down, a group of scientists seek to study this creature. This act causes the alien to reawaken and resume its carnage. Title: Magic People Pt 2 Starring: Jackson Mazingwa, Msafiri Chiwena, Juma Bungale QmaBN47gyT

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